| 1. | At the base above , a modified method of designing multilayer mirrors was put forward , from which the roughness of substrate are confirmed . so the design had finished 用该方法确定了基底粗糙度的设计值,从而完成了多层膜反射镜的设计。 |
| 2. | Because soft x ray multilayer mirrors have high reflectivity and strip filter function , their applying territories are expanded contimuously . various fields in x ray optics grow strong demands for them 由于软x射线多层膜反射镜具有高反射率和带通滤波的特点, x光学的各个领域对之产生了强烈的需求。 |
| 3. | The measurement results show that the multilayer mirrors designed and fabricated by this paper have practical reflectance . it needs to point out especially that at r = 1 . 03nm the peak reflectance of the multilayer mirror is 10 % 测量结果表明:本文所研制的多层膜反射镜均具有实用的反射率,特别是中心波长为1 . 03nm的多层镜,其峰值反射率达到10 。 |
| 4. | With the furthermore development of ultra thin film technology , soft x - ray multilayer mirrors was applied in many fields , such as astronomy , microscope technology , euv lithogrphy , x - ray laser , icf diagnosis and so on 随着软x射线超薄膜制备技术的不断发展,软x射线多层膜反射镜已在多个领域中投入研究与应用,如天文学、生物医学显微镜、极紫外投影光刻技术、 x射线激光、高温等离子体诊断等等。 |
| 5. | In the depositing process , small angle x - ray diffraction method was used to measure thin films repeatedly , form which the optimized parameters of depositing soft x ray thin films were gained . under the parameters , five soft x ray multilayer mirrors were fabricated 在多层膜的淀积过程中,使用小角x射线衍射的方法对多层镜进行了反复的标定,获得了软x射线短波段多层膜反射镜沉积的优化工艺参数。 |
| 6. | The prototype is made by a concave sphere primary and a plane secondary deposited the mo / si multilayer on the fused quartz substrates . the reflectivity peak and the reflectivity uniformity of the multilayer mirrors are respectively 25 % and around + 2 . 5 % at 17 . 1nm 望远镜主镜为球面,次镜为平面,所用反射镜为在熔石英基底上镀制mo si多层膜的euv波段反射镜,在17 . 1nm的反射率25 ,反射率的均匀性2 . 5 。 |
| 7. | In this paper , we mainly discuss multilayer mirrors for x - ray solar telescope operating at 17 . 1nm wavelength . the diameter of primary mirror for telescope is 130 millimeters and secondary mirror is 66mm . especially , we will engage in controllation of uniformity of period thickness 本文主要针对工作波长为17 . 1nm的x射线空间望远镜中的主镜与次镜的膜厚分布均匀性进行控制,其中主镜直径为130mm ,曲率半径为7 . 5m 。 |
| 8. | After that , using the simulated annealing optimizing method , the structure parameters were optimized and good results were gained . finally , the scattering theory of d . stearns , which is applible to soft x - ray region , is applied to the scattering study of rough interface of soft x ray multilayer mirrors 之后将适用于软x射线波段的d . stearns的散射理论应用于软x射线多层膜反射镜的粗糙界面的散射研究,并基于该理论提出了一种多层膜反射镜的修改设计方法。 |
| 9. | In the region of shorter wavelength ( r < 10nm ) , measurement reflectivity is much lower than design reflectivity , so the making of high reflectivity multilayer mirrors is at the phase of exploring . the aim of the paper is to design and fabricate five mulitilayer mirrors in shorter wavelength of soft x ray region and makes up of soft x ray spectrometer which is applied to icf experiment 本论文所完成的是在软x射线短波段的五个波长处(最短波长为1 . 03nm ) ,研制具有实用反射率的软x射线多层膜反射镜,并应用于惯性约束核聚变( icf )实验中的软x光能谱测量。 |
| 10. | Finally , we rebuild a soft x - ray reflectometer in 8 - 30nm region by replacing its metal target with low - debris kr and xe aerosol spray targets . reflectivity of soft x - ray multilayer mirrors are measured by the new reflectometer , and the results show the accuracy is about 2 % % 最后,用低碎屑液体微滴喷射靶lpp光源代替污染严重的金属靶lpp光源,改建了一台波段范围8 30nm的软x射线反射率计,并对软x射线多层膜的反射率进行了大量测量,反射率测量重复性达到2 。 |